How Good SEO Improves The Conversion Rate of Business
The key concept behind CRO is maximizing the value of your traffic, not necessarily getting new visitors to your site. This distinction really matters. Forcing more water through a leaky pipe will fill your bucket, but fixing the pipe will save you time and money doing it.
Conversion: The desired action you want a user to take on your website. This could mean anything from a purchase to an email sign-up. It’s anything that turns a site visitor to a customer or lead.
Conversion rate: This is the percentage of website visitors who finish the conversion process. You can calculate this mathematically as (Number of conversions/Total number of website visitors) * 100.
Call-to-Action (CTA): A directive to the user to take an instant action. Usually, CTA buttons (or links) use vocabulary like “buy,” “sign up,” or “order,” but this depends on your website’s goal. CTAs also typically use “now” or some other timely word to create a sense of urgency.
Conversion/Sales funnel: This is the path visitors take to conversion. This could be, for example, a funnel of home page, category page, product page, and finally, check out.
Exit rate: The rate of users who leave your site after viewing a page. This isn’t the same as a bounce rate, because it also includes people who land on the page from elsewhere on your site.
Abandonment rate: The rate of people who leave the conversion funnel before completing the desired action. This is sometimes known as “shopping cart abandonment rate.”
SEO is an ideal medium to improve your conversion rate. It’s a strategy that is aimed at boosting your website’s visibility on search engines. At the same time, SEO factors can also help make the website more user-friendly.
Mobile Friendliness
Just like more traditional factors like links, mobile-friendliness is an important SEO ranking signal. Auditing your mobile-friendliness is a great way to find areas that are turning your mobile visitors off from converting. The mobile conversion rate is generally below half of the desktop conversion rate. But when you break that down by device, you see that tablet conversion rate is about even with desktop, and smartphone conversion rate is trending up every year. Even if you don’t have an ecommerce site, or use your website to drive conversions, your mobile SEO will still impact your in-store sales. The majority of visitors from local search results result in a store visit within 24 hours. It’s thus essential to design a responsive website. This will ensure that it’ll fit perfectly on all screen sizes.
Site Speed
Long page load time is the best way to make both humans and crawlers leave your website. In fact, if it takes more than three seconds to load more than half of users will leave your site with 80% of them never coming back.
Additionally, a 100-millisecond delay in your page loading speed can decrease your conversion rates by almost 7%. When your page loads quickly, your customers will find it easier to browse through your website and this could reduce your bounce rate. A good SEO audit will alert you if your page is too slow, and find the bottlenecks that are slowing it down.
Site Navigation Issues
People move around the web, including your site, by following links. When you’re trying to improve your conversion rate, that’s a big red flag. If no one can get through, they can’t give you any money. Google also hates broken links because they make their job a lot harder. An SEO audit will find your website’s broken links, allowing you to open that gate and get traffic flowing back to your store.
Custom Error Pages
This is related to broken link issues on your site. When someone accidentally links to a URL on your domain that doesn’t exist, they need to have a place to land dedicated to getting them to where they’re trying to go. 404 errors (not found errors) are some of the most common errors your users will encounter. And these errors are very, very frustrating, especially if they land on a generic error page. These generic pages are pretty much blank (save maybe a few lines about the URL not existing), giving them no real options but to give up and close the window. This can cause the visitors to navigate away from your website. And your SEO and conversion rates will take a hit in this case.
Increase Duration of Visits with Visuals
One of the important factors for your website’s success is the time spent by each visitor on your website. There is a good chance of improvement in your website’s rankings if a visitor stays longer on your website.
But how much time is good enough for SEO and CRO? If the duration of the visit is less than 30 seconds, it’s quite poor. However, if it ranges between 30 seconds and 2 minutes, it’s pretty good. And the duration of more than 2 minutes is commendable. Using visuals is an easy solution to increase the time spent by visitors on your website. You can create educational videos talking about your products or services and display them on your website. Such videos will help you communicate your brand’s values as well as product benefits. They can also help you increase page engagement.
Page Optimization
To improve your search rankings, it is important that you fill your description tags with relevant information and keywords. Description tags include title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and alt text on images. It helps search engines decide whether your website is appropriate and relevant to a user’s search query. When you incorporate your keywords well into these tags, it becomes easy for search engine spiders to understand what your page is all about. This, in turn, can help in improving your SEO.